Friday, July 13, 2012

Who Are They

What are Trees?

Living beings, pillars connecting Earth and Sky.  They draw down the rain, (scientific studies have shown it tends to rain more where trees are gathered) and they protect the soil and the life within it.  Trees clean our air, lift our spirits, and provide shade.  They are homes for innumerable creatures:  underneath where cicadas sleep, in their bark, on the leaves, and on their branches where birds, squirrels, and others rest.  They provide food for many kinds of beings, including deer and you and me.  What will poor people eat with no acorn or hickory nut crops?  No deer, no Squirrels. 

When the phrase "tree hugger" came out I thought it was pretty funny.  As a blind child wanting to see how large a tree was, that's what I did.  I hugged it and walked around it, stretching out my arms to measure its lifespan.  So I guess I'm the original "tree hugger."

When the ice storm of Jan.  2007 hit it Forced people to realize just how important trees were.  Ice would form so thickly on big limbs that they would literally Rip a huge chunk out of a tree from top to root.  Some trees split in half.  If you have ever heard a tree scream as it is being torn to pieces, you would Never be able to forget that shound, not when it continues day and night for a week!

We threw out some thawing food for the whirling flocks of mixed species of birds wheeling and crying in the air, homeless.  They were so hungry they fell on it, grabbing whatever they could reach.  Then they rose and cried more, where could they rest?  Trees were dying and screaming all around!  There was no safety or rest to be found!  They needed a Lot of food to stay alive, to keep flying all day in search of a place to land!

Everywhere Ann and I moved we always planted food bearing trees, for ourselves and the creatures for whom we planted cover.

I hope the peaches, pawpaws, cherries, and others are still growing.

So what brought all of this up about trees?

IKEA claims it’s committed to sustainability, but is carving up 600-year-old trees
to make furniture.
Tell IKEA to stop clear-cutting Russia's ancient forests.
Tell IKEA to stop destroying Russia's last old-growth forests before it’s too late.
Click to Send a Message
The roar of a chainsaw shatters the peaceful calm of the Karelia forest in Northwestern
Russia. A logger carves into an exquisite giant -- a 600-year-old tree -- with expert
precision. Within minutes, he has masterfully sliced through tree rings, added the
felled tree to a growing pile, and moved on to the next.
These trees -- part of Russia's last remaining old-growth forests -- will be chopped
up to make cutting boards, wooden spoons and other items for IKEA. IKEA has built
a reputation around sustainability and tells its customers, literally, “We Love Wood”,
and that the furniture they buy will not contain wood from old-growth forests. But
a new report shows that
IKEA is clear-cutting Russia's remaining ancient forests and destroying hundreds
of thousands of unique animal species for profit.
 If it doesn’t stop now, there may be no trees left.
Send a message to IKEA CEO Mikael Ohlsson telling IKEA to stop clear-cutting Russia's ancient old-growth forests.
IKEA is the third-largest purchaser of wood in the world, behind Home Depot and Lowe’s,
and roughly 60 percent of the products stocked in IKEA’s 300 department stores across
the globe contain wood of some form. IKEA already decimates 1,400 acres of forest
a year -- that’s why it purchased this enormous swath of over
740,000 acres of Russia’s Karelia lush boreal forests -- for expansion.
IKEA is trying to convince customers that it adheres to the strictest environmental
standards, and only uses wood sourced in economically, socially, and environmentally
sustainable ways. But a Swedish conservation group discovered that IKEA’s wholly-owned
subsidiary, Swedwood, is clear-cutting the last of Karelia’s old-growth forests from
areas of high conservation and devastating invaluable forest ecosystems in the process.
directly violates the minimum requirements IKEA has set for its timber.
IKEA truly cares about its sustainable image and internationally-known brand and
is especially vulnerable to public pressure from members. That’s why
it is important we send a strong message now.
As a world leader in the furniture industry and one of the world’s largest companies,
with over $30 billion in profits between 2000 and 2008, IKEA has the means to make
its forestry practices more ecologically friendly and needs to stop misleading its
Tell IKEA's CEO to prove he really loves wood and to stop clear-cutting Russia's remaining ancient forests. Send a message now.
Thanks for loving trees,
Emma, Taren, Kaytee and the rest of us
Why are old-growth forests so important?
Russia’s lush, old-growth forests perform vital functions for life on Earth. They
help to stabilize the climate by locking carbon in the soil -- which helps safeguard
our climate. In addition, old-growth forests have much greater biodiversity than
managed plantations, and are home to literally hundreds of thousands of unique animal
and plant species, like rare species of lichens, mosses and other plants and animals.
These species cannot survive in secondary forests.
But because of logging,
only 10% of Russia’s old-growth forests remain.
NGOs claim that IKEA, through Swedwood, is helping to destroy ecosystems that are
home to endangered species by clear-cutting already depleted old-growth forests.
In Karelia, only isolated tracts and pockets of old-growth forests remain.
In Russia, Swedwood Karelia LLC owns a logging concession of over 740,000 acres.
And with Russian markets increasingly opening to the global market, and World Trade
Organization (WTO) membership likely, environmentalists fear the worst damage to
Russia’s forests is yet to come.
Further Reading:
IKEA under fire for ancient tree logging
, The Guardian
. May 29, 2012.
 SumOfUs is a world-wide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations
accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Teresa! Here is an active link to that webpage for your readers. IKEA wood

    Copy and paste, unfortunately, do not hold Internet coding so the information you copied did not leave live links. I added HTML coding around certain test. Thanks for sharing this important information. I missed my Care2 notice about IKEA's wood practices.
