Friday, February 10, 2012


I've been doing some heavy reading lately. Finished "Roots" a beyond amazing book which should be required in history class. Also, "Tears of the Desert" by Dr. Halima Bashir of Darfur. I wanted to know about how local people understood what was and had happened to them. She gives a beautiful and loving portrait of her homeland and family, which makes the contrast with what happened to them and her struggle to gain asylum in Britain all the more horrific.

But I learned a lot.

Also, wrote long letter describing effects of deaf-blindness on a child without full time interpreter services, etc. All of us on the deaf-blind listserv are coming up with letters of explanation and support, as well as resources and info. to help this family.

It is supposed to be very cold and windy this weekend, with possible snow in the area by Monday. So I think I will hole up inside, pray that there is enough shelter for people who are homeless here, and go back to reading another Harry Potter book. I have enough sewing to keep me busy, but the dog will get bored, Not interested in taking long walks with him.

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